Please read the following because it is very important that you understand the important change made in the Match Engine, especially related to Receive ball.
Yesterday we found and fixed a bug that was limiting the effect of momentum in cases such as fight for ball, tackle/dribble and receive ball. The bug fix will now let momentum influence the outcome of such cases as it was intended. The biggest difference that you will see is however related to Receive Ball and we want to give you further details on how this will work and how it will influence the game.
From now on a footballer with high speed related attributes and low receive related attributes will have a big risk of receiving a ball if he tries to receive it with a high level of momentum. A simplified description of how this works is:
- High momentum = decreases your chance of receiving
- “Medium” momentum = no change in chance of receiving
- Low momentum = increases your chance of receiving
It is important to understand that the above criteria is also relative to the
general speed of the footballer. The way the solution works is that it "follows your speed related qualities". So basically if you are a fast player and want to receive at high speed then you need the receiving skills to "back you up". If you are a slow footballer then you should be OK having receiving skills of a quality similar to the quality of your speed skills. With this we believe that we will avoid “killing” younger footballers with this update as long as they do not build a completely unbalanced footballer. Of course if you are an 18 year old spending ALL your EXP on speed related attributes then you will have a hard time receiving at high momentum. Of course that kind of player type can still be interesting (they still exist in football as we all know) but they will have to play according to their abilities when it comes to receive.
What we are trying to accomplish with this is an extended depth that implies that a
fast footballer that wants to be able to make full use of his speed at a point of interaction will also have to be
highly skilled in the art of receiving the ball. We believe that this will open up for new footballer types and a more diverse way of building your character. Also the fact that more attributes (receive ball attributes are more than just ball control) may be required in order to build a suitable footballer type, should make it more difficult for footballers to build their footballers up to Star Quality level in too many attributes.
We believe that no one wants to see speed and acceleration as overpowered attributes. Of course they will still be important but we believe that Usain Bolt (world’s fastest man) should not be able to run around at maximum speed and receive the ball with ease (as it was in the previous version) unless he is also HIGHLY skilled in receiving the ball.
At first this may feel frustrating for many of you because you might still be playing the game as you did before this update (always trying to receive with high momentum) but we believe that once you have adapted your way of thinking about the game you will appreciate the added depth that this brings to FID. Instead of just building fast players the community now needs to take into consideration other aspects if they want to be able to make full use of their speed in all situations.
Here are some general recommendations on how to play the game following the new ME update:
Remember that your movement limits how much you can decrease your momentum. If you move a lot during a turn then you will have less “time to brake” and you may have a high momentum even if you try to decrease it to 0.
- Make sure to play according to your abilities (receive abilities). If you are poorly skilled at receiving and you feel that you can only receive by moving a lot (high momentum)
you may be better off going for the end of the ball path and even try to receive the ball “on the bounce”.
- Remember that if you try to receive “as early as possible” on a low pass you will have high momentum (since you had to move at max speed to reach the ball at the point where it was just about to go past you).
It may therefore be a good idea not to take the ball “as early as possible” but instead hold back a bit in order to be able to decrease your momentum. Of course if you have an opponent at your back he will also have to make the same decision to either move up fully or to hold back and not risk the ball passing through him. This will give a new edge to those that are skilled receivers that can go up and take the ball very early with little risk of failing a receive.
- Make sure to pass cleverly.
Learn how your team mates and opponents are built when it comes to receiving skills and play your passes based on that. If you have a team mate that is well skilled at receiving you may want to play it in front of him and allow for him to move his full length and receive with high momentum. If your team mate however is less skilled at receiving you might want to play the ball closer to him.
IMPORTANT: We really hope that you see what we are trying to accomplish with this and that you feel that the game will become broader and deeper with this update as you learn how to work it. However, t
here may be a need to tweak this further and we really need your detailed input on this to make a good judgment on how it should be tweaked. We therefore ask you to give us as much details as possible (match ID, turn number, speed related attributes, receive related attributes and momentum) about things you find strange or wrong in this topic: . With this information we can then investigate cases in detail and see if there is a need for tweaking the system further.
The Admin Team