Receive and free rolling ball tweak on Test Center [2012-05-07], por FIDAdmin
Posted : Monday, May 07, 2012 6:18:50 PM
We have noticed that many users with young characters have experienced that their characters have failed to receive the ball too often which have made matches with 18 years old more or less unplayable. We have therefore decided to tweak the receives to make it easier to receive the ball and especially for low receives. At the same time we have also decided to make the passing quality more important when it comes to the difficulty of receiving both when receiving passes from opponents (high quality passes are harder to receive) and teammates (high quality passes are easier to receive).
The result of our changes will be that low receives from teammates will have a very high success rate, even for less skilled footballers.
We have also increased the movement when the ball is rolling (such as when the ball is hoofed and you are running for the rolling ball). This is because we want to decrease the amount of turns "wasted" for running in those situations.
All these changes have been implemented on the Test Center Matches together with the previous change of the last block tweak which still have not been implemented on Live Match Engine on our main site. We plan to implement all these changes on the Live Match Engine this Wednesday if the testing seems to turn out positive so please give us as much feedback as possible and as soon as possible!
Maybe the most important thing to give feedback about is if you think the longer movement when the ball is rolling gives the desired effect and if it seems to work well.
We are fully aware that the receive part may be hard to test out since the footballers who are on the Test Center Matches are really good footballers overall but please keep an eye on receives anyway and see if you can experience anything strange or if you think it works well.
And to make life a little easier here's a few links that can be useful
Testcenter Footballer Attribute list