Youth Teams Released! (but not yet activated)
BY: FIDAdmin
“Youth teams” is a concept that promises a lot of good for the world of Footballidentity. The basic idea is to create an environment in which younger footballers (18-21) can fight on level terms. It will become a great place for new users to find their first home and learn how to play the game.
The youth team functionality will allow for a National FIDA to invite 12 teams (from any of the leagues in their country as long as they play matches on the same day and time) to create youth teams in direct connection to their main team. If the 12 invitations are accepted by the managers of those teams a new league will be created (for example “Youth ENG 1A”). All those teams accepting the invitation will get a youth team created in this new league, with the same name as their main team but with the word “Youth” attached to the end of it (for example “Hendon FC Youth”).
This will now turn teams into more like “clubs” with two teams in tight relation to each other. The manager of the main team will appoint the youth team manager. The youth team manager will be the one handling contracts and transfers within the youth team and is in turn able to appoint a youth team assistant manager.
The main team manager will also have a tool that allows him to decide what access the different managers should have in the other team when it comes to picking tactics and lineups (for example if he want to give the access to the youth team manager to pick the lineup and tactics for the main team in case of emergency). A manager or assistant manager can however only participate in matches played by their own specific team.
Here’s a list of benefits that the youth team functionality gives:
- Main teams will get a steady flow of new talented footballers from their youth team.
- Main team manager can call up footballers from the youth team to play in a main team match (footballers need to be removed from the tactic of the youth team for that match day before they can be selected in the main team).
- Youth team footballers will get a slightly higher increase in attributes from being active in matches. This is a new functionality that will give a slight boost to attribute development if a footballer is active in a match but this functionality has not yet been activated on FID(further information will come about this).
- Teams with youth teams connected to them can play training matches using footballers from both teams.
- Teams with youth teams connected to them will get more people working together for the club to succeed.
- The club get a new club forum in which all characters (from both main and youth team) can communicate.
- The main team manager get rating based on the performance of the youth team and the main team manager can be a footballer in the youth team (playing for both the youth team and the main team if called up).
IMPORTANT: This functionality has been released but not activated. There are still a few things that we need to sort out before we can initiate youth teams/leagues fully. However, National FIDAs looking to create one or more youth leagues in their nation can start preparing themselves by contacting teams and finding 12 teams to take part in this endeavor.